Browsing All posts tagged under »almonds«

Coco-Berry Bake Bars

June 26, 2011


I’ve been experimenting lately with cake bars. A slightly more solid version of cakey-lovelyness, which seem popular in a lot of my American and Australian cookbooks. The traditional sponge in all it’s forms still reigns supreme in tea shops and kitchens in the UK, but I think there may also be a place for these […]

Almond & Pear Tart

March 17, 2011


I’ve been having a bit of a pantry clear-out lately, resulting in the discovery of a number of oddities lurking at the back of my kitchen cupboards. It would appear that a vast amount of my cupboard space is taken up by individually questionable tins of pears, cherries, pumpkin puree, chestnuts, evaporated milk and condensed […]